
[ UN Flag ]



Friday, May 10 (times listed are approximate, and may need to be adjusted)

8:30-9:00 am Registration and caucussing (in Performance Hall Lobby, C Building)
9:00 am Opening Ceremonies Plenary -- Performance Hall
      Welcoming speeches of Secretary-General, Ambassadors
11:00 am (approx.) Opening Ceremonies end, Committees convene (Locations posted in hall)
      -- LATE REGISTRATION -- Information Center
12 noon Break for Lunch -- All committees will recess simultaneously for lunch break (45 min.)
      Committees reconvene after lunch
3:00 pm Recess until Saturday morning

Saturday, May 11

8:50 am Information Center open, Caucussing among delegates,
      International Cultural Display tables set up in Performance Hall Lobby, C Building
9:00 am Committees reconvene when quorum present -- continue debate
12 noon Lunch -- Committees recess simultaneously (45 min.)
      Committees reconvene after lunch
1:30 pm Sponsor's Meeting with available Staff (location posted in Information Center)
3:00 pm Cultural Display awards finished, displays may be taken down
4:00 pm Committees adjourn to Closing Ceremonies
4:15 - 5:30 pm Closing Ceremonies (Performance Hall)
      Reports of committees, Awards


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